Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy 4th of July

I hope everyone had a Happy 4th of July.  It was very nice and quiet around here.  Since this was our first July 4th on the farm we stayed home to see what it would be like out here. 

We moved from a neighborhood where there were wonderful block fireworks and a fun atmosphere.  However it was always hard on our dog and we often thought of our horses that we boarded.  Never knew how they reacted to all the commotion. 

Well there was no noise or distractions out here so the horses did great.  We could look out our back doors and see all the fireworks being lit in the nearest town.  The entire skyline was lighting up but no sounds and far away enough the horses didn't even seem to notice. 

Jet is doing great.  Almost a week ago, G put a pony saddle on him and cinched him up.  He had no problem with that.  She walked him around with no issue, trotting was no problem.  When he was asked to canter he bucked some but when she asked him to turn and face her he stopped bucking and was fine.  She went back to walk and trot and he did great.  At the canter he did bump up a little but seemed to do better.  How wonderful. 

Jet is also loading into the trailer easily.  The first time in he turned around and came out rather quickly but the next time he went in nice and quiet and backed out as if he had been doing it his whole life.  G will be taking him with her to a horse camp next week to help him get used to other places, people and horses.  Also there is a great trail course there and she is planning on working him over bridges, through water, through a tarp cave, through a cowboy curtain and over mounds with logs.  It will be SO good for both of them. 

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