Friday, June 11, 2010

May 31, 2010

So, with a few days at home (instead of our normal leave the house at 7 am and return after 7 pm) and time to work with Jet, he is getting better with G coming into his stall.  He still wants to turn and kick but she enters with a stick and when he turns she strategically places the stick close to his rear so when he continues to turn, he runs into the stick.  He then swings his rear end way away.  This is what we all want.

With his manners improving G decided to begin working on his desensitizing.  So, she introduced Jet to a large ball.  True to character he was curious and came to look at it. 

When the ball was placed in his stall, he was still curious but also timid.  When the ball was behind him, he would kick at it. 

This was as close to to the ball as we saw him get. 

We have noticed that he has a rather large raw spot developing under his chin under the web halter.  The halter and lead rope have been an ongoing debate in our household since we got Jet.  The theory behind it is that as he steps on the lead rope he will learn to give to pressure in a non-threatening and self inflicting manner.  To that end it has worked quite well.  He does stop when he steps on the rope and feels the pressure.  However on many occassions he has had that pressure applied when he was coming toward us and I sure wished it hadn't.  Also now that his chin has developed a sore I worry about the negative impact of the halter and lead rope.  If G can't touch Jet and remove the halter soon, I will have to ask for help from someone. 

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