Sunday, June 13, 2010

June 12, 2010

Jet got a small break this weekend while G focused on other horsey activities.  She spent the night with a close friend and they went riding.  For those who are not complete believers in helmets maybe these pictures will help convince you. 

G and her friend B have both been riding horses for over 6 years and wanted to ride.  G thought momentarily about not putting on a helmet before getting on B's horse.  Just before they were to come in for the night, G's horse "bounced" and G slipped.  She tried to catch her balance but began slipping more.  She grabbed to hold on and only got reins.  The horse reared and went over backward and landed on G's head, nowhere else but the head and he rolled one way and G rolled the other.  Both are fine, but the pictures of the helmet are proof that helmets save lives.  I am SO thankful that she used good judgement and wore the helmet. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! These pics are too scary. Was this on Firefly? So glad to learn that both horse and rider are okay.....
