Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June 8, 2011

It has been a busy week
Jacques from the Tri-City Herald came Saturday morning and watched as Gabrielle worked with Faith and also showed him Jet from last year.  He was able to see Gabrielle go in and touch Faith's body and brush her.  She still doesn't like the few tuffs of fuzz under her belly tugged so they are still holding on.  She also doesn't like her face touched.  These are areas that Gabrielle is working. 

Gabrielle also showed him the work she has been doing in the open arena area with obstacles.  Faith walked over logs, straw bales and Gabrielle increased the program by putting out tarps everywhere including in front of the straw bales.  Faith did great with it all.  She walked beside Gabrielle while Gabrielle walked on top of the straw bales.  This height change can sometimes cause horses problems; but not Faith.  She was fine with it.  

After the obstacles Gabrielle took some time to ask Faith to back up, and pick up her feet.  While she has picked up her front feet before, Faith was not so certain she wanted to do that on this day.  This is why she is being gentled and trained.  It takes many repetitions for requests to be automatic "yes"s.  It will also Jacques things to keep watching.  He has committed to coming out each week for about 4 weeks before he plans on running the article.  It is anticipated to run in the July 4th Sunday edition. 

Gabrielle is also continuing to work on forehand and haunch turns.  These are turns where the horse is expected to keep a front foot planted (similar to basketball pivots) while turning for a forehand turn, or a hind foot planted for a haunch turn.  Both turns should have forward movement in order to be considered done correctly.  Faith is not that far yet but hopefully will be in August.  For now she is getting the idea of following the lead of the halter and rope and moving the desired body part.

For Gabrielle's part she is doing a great job of keeping the tension out of the rope and asking in a very soft manner.  Also allowing Faith to learn from the release of the pressure of the halter on her nose when she does move the way Gabrielle wants her to move.  Seems so simple and yet is so complex.

During each session that Gabrielle works with Faith she tries to rotate desensitizing Faith (trying to get her used to many different things without being concerned about them.) with sensitizing Faith (getting her to move and shift with soft leads).  She also tries to give Faith different positions of seeing her and objects. 

This is where the fact that Faith is a mustang and a master of body language really helps.  She is also curious by nature and that also helps.  As she is introduced to things she becomes curious and that drives her to check out what ever is going on and so long as she is safe while doing so, she gains confidence and knowledge.  

Gabrielle has been working with Faith each day this week all the while helping build a fence on the ranch, attending a Pony Club jumping lesson and unmounted lesson, attending high school soccer practice, and 8th grade recognition where she received a Presidential award for Outstanding Academic Excellence.  She seems to get more done in a day than I can keep up with.  I will try harder to stay more current on the blog.

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