Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 22, 2011

Less than 24 hours

Every horse is different just like each child is different and in less than 24 hours it is clear that Faith is different from Jet in more ways than just gender. 

Faith was laying down and G wanted to see if she could go into the pen with her while Faith was laying down.

Faith didn't move even when G entered the pen.  G kept talking to her and she still didn't move.  Getting braver G gingerly reached out to see if she could pet Faith.

Faith was no concerned by G's presence, touch or caressing.  G was able to rub her all over and began removing the loose hair that covered Faith's body. 

It was plain to see how exciting this was for G.

G was not able to do this with Jet until after we had brought him home from last year's competition.

Since Faith seemed to not be having any trouble with G's touch, G decided to take advantage and remove her mustang tag.  This was a huge turning point last year with Jet and did not happen until about 3 / 4 weeks after we brought him home.  Like I said in the beginning, it is clear that each horse is different.

G was able to take the time to untie the tag.  Last year she had to cut it off because Jet just wouldn't let her stay that close that long nor would her tolerate any pulling. 

Faith took it all in stride and has already won all of our hearts.  And NO we are not keeping her.  She will make a great horse for someone.  She already shows that she enjoys companionship and we already have more horses than there are people to ride them. 

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