Each day is amazing.
Today G wanted to "join up" with Faith so she took her out of her pen and took her into the round pen. Faith was moving beautifully. She naturally tucks her rear and moves. G thought she looked a little gaited, but whether she is gaited or not; she was a flashy mover.
Faith was already turning in and reversing directions. She never offered to go over or through G. Mustangs are master body language readers and it makes working with them a joy and treasure.
At one point a neighbor's dog came into the round pen and unfortunately began nipping at Faith's heals. (Prior to this the dog was on the outside and Faith was quite curious about him.) however hwen the dog began nipping Faith did not like this and sought to exit the round pen. Her concern was self preservation. However even though G tried to stop her, Faith was careful not to harm G. Faith did however manage to break a post and get out. Where did she go now that she was free to go whereever she wanted you ask??? Straight into her stall and pen. She could run for the hills, for anywhere but here; but did not.
I am warmed to think that she already views her pen and stall as a safe place to be.
Once Faith was in her pen, I wanted to make sure she had not injured herself. Keep in mind G is the only one that has touched her so far. Even at that, G has only groomed her and not touched her belly or legs. I came in and talked to her calmly and stroked her sides and began running my hands down her legs. One by one she allowed me to touch and look for the most part. Only when I went past her knee or hock did she offer to pick up her hooves. I was so impressed and proud of her. She was FANTASTIC. Best of all she did not even have a scratch on her.
Blessings come in many forms and today it came in a post that broke off underground allowing an escape. I prefer that to a wound that would set Faith and G back.
G was worried that the incident might cause them to take a few steps back but in a short time she and Faith continued bonding. This time however they kept it to grooming and spending time together in the stall and run.
The weekend to do list just got a little bigger and now includes repairing the round pen so we can use it.
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