After a few days to settle into his new place, Gabrielle began going out and sitting with Jet. She took a book to read and read to him out loud so he would get used to her voice. He became very curious and came to check her out. It was an exciting time for both.
At first Jet stayed away and just looked at her, but curiosity got the best of him and he came close and
s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d the rest of the way.
He took a couple of good sniffs and blew. G was wonderful and stayed still and never reached out even though she wanted to touch him.
After sniffing her Jet thought he better take a little taste. No teeth were involved and no human was hurt in this encounter.
In the end he was very curious and stepped forward for one more look, and smell of his girl. Shortly after he walked away and G came out feeling pretty good.
Jet is adorable!