Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 26, 2010

I guess I posted too early today.  After I wrote for today, G went out and gave Jet his first bath.  Granted it was a sponge bath, but I am proud of both of them.  Lastly, she went back out to feed him his evening meal and supplements and he was laying down.  He allowed her to walk up to him while still lying on the ground and pet him on the head.  Amazing pair they are. 

Wow oh wow.  Jet is awesome and gorgeous.  His coat is beginning to shine.  He has been on his supplements for a week and G is brushing him daily.  I am sure both are contributing to the great coat he is sporting these days. 

He is still a little ribby for me.  I am hoping that the oats and increased hay will help with his weight gain.  G measured him today.  He is 13.2 hands tall and weighs about 600 pounds.  I will help her do more research and see what a balanced diet would look like.  I will also be taking the house scales outside to do better at measuring his feed. 

G has started ponying Jet behind one of our other horses around the property in hopes to improve his muscling.  It has had another side benefit.  Since he is a herd animal he enjoys following another horse and seems to be learning to give to the pressure of the halter and lead rope. 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 23, 2010

Today was quite a busy day for G and Jet. 

G has been working this week with a local instructor as her assistant during her horse camp each morning.  Many of the girls saw the newspaper article on G and Jet and wanted to see him and watch her with him.  So this afternoon, they came out for a visit. 

Before seeing Jet, they spent some time talking about what G has been doing, why the youth trainer program exists and what life has been like for Jet since he was born until now.  The students also had a chance to measure themselves in "hands" (the measurement used to measure a horse.  Each hand is 4 inches) using an educational display G had created for the local fair a few years ago.  They all enjoyed seeing how tall they were. 

During the discussion time the students were quite interested in getting to see Jet's mustang tag. 

In the round pen G showed them how she has worked on picking up his feet, leading him, and playing soccer with a large exercise ball.  She also decided to try a few things for the first time in front of guests.  Normally I would only do things I know I can do and the horse is ok doing, but not G.  She is very confident in Jet and herself.  She "accidentally" (aka on purpose) knocked over a plastic barrel and plastic basketball goal.  Jet paid attention that it fell but didn't move.  She also put a tarp over his back and asked him to walk around with it.  No Problem!!!!

Then she allowed the students to come into the round pen in pairs and pet Jet and see his freeze brand up close. 

Before everyone went home each girl had a chance to brush Jet.  He was such a good boy and had no trouble with all the attention he received. 

About an hour later we had Columbia Rural Electric Association come to visit.  They had heard about G and her work with Jet and wanted to interview her for their monthly magazine they send to their customers.  Gabrielle repeated many of the things she had done with the previous group but added even more new things. 

She solid tied him for the first time and left him standing while we went to greet our guests.  Imagine their surprise when they learned that was the first time he had been left solid tied.  She brought out the hose and hosed his front legs and his chest.  He did react to that but within minutes he was standing and enjoying the cool refreshing water since it was our hottest day yet this summer. 

Before taking Jet back to the round pen, G noticed flies bothering him so she fly sprayed him for the first time.  I was expecting some reaction as the spray touched him or at the very least the noise of the trigger spraying.  Not a thing.  He stood still and had no problems.  (It has been unseasonably cool here so we have not had much of an issue with flies.  It could also be the fly predators we are using for the first time.)

G set up some obstacles in the round pen and moved him over logs, tarps and large plastic container lids.  He walked, trotted and loped through it all without refusing.  He did however clip a few of the obstacles since he is still learning foot placement. 

CREA spent some time asking G questions about her work.  Since one requirement for the challenge is to use natural horsemanship techniques, they asked about her favorite trainer whether it was Parelli, Anderson, ???  After some thinking, she said she really likes Buck Brannaman.  She participated last year in one of his clinics not far from here and she did so well.  Then she was asked what has been the most challenging thing and what was the biggest turning point so far.  For G that question was easy.  Everything seemed to change the day she was able to get the mustang tag off and brush him.  That was when they both seemed to find the trust in the other that they needed to progress.  Ever since they have been bonded.  I do believe I will be outnumbered in the decision whether or not to allow him to be adopted or if we will be keeping him.

Before leaving Charlotte and Nickie Gunther from CREA presented G with a gift certificate to a local feed store to help G with her competition.  G will be able to purchase feed, supplements and other needed items to help improve Jet's diet and body conditioning.  This is one area that will be judged on August 28th in Yamhill, OR. 

It had already been a long day and it was not over yet.  G went and participated for the third evening in a row at the local fair grounds where the 4-H sponsored a special event for Disabled children in town.  The first two nights she lead horses while some children got to experience horse back riding for the first time.  Tonight she helped drive a pair of miniature horses that her good friend B had brought.  It was a wonderful evening filled with smiles and laughter.  I LOVE summer!!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

June 18, 2010

Jet will get some time off tomorrow as G will be showing in a local horse show with AJ. 

Yesterday G added a few more desensitizing items to his pen.  He now has a "jolly ball" tied to one of the rails so if he wants to play with it he can.  He also has a tarp hanging on the gate and some tote lids laying just for fun.  He moved over and around them with no trouble when asked.  He gave the widest space when going past the tarp hanging on the gate.  After a little while he was comfortable walking closer to the gate. 

He also has figured out that grain and supplements are food.  For quite some time he would look at the pellets and turn away.  I am thankful he is finding them to be good. 

He appearantly has nose worts.  I contacted our vet and he said that it is very common in young horses and that it will go away in about two months.  G was sad to hear the news since the mustang challenge competition is in two months.  We will hope that his good food and care will decrease the time but the only other option is surgery and I don't think that is a good choice. 

Lastly, G lead Jet out of his pen for the first time today.  He was leary leaving the pen but once out was quite a gentleman.  He led well and kept a cool head while our three other horses got a closer look at him.  When G was done and tried to take him back to his pen, Jet had a definite opinion.  He did NOT want to go back inside.  At least that was G's take.  I think he was not sure about going through the gate.  I am positive that next time it will be much easier and all G's fears that he doesn't trust her and doesn't like her will be washed away.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15, 2010

Today G went out and brushed Jet more and also flexed him.  She wrapped the lead rope around his rear end and asked him to follow his nose around and come out facing her.  He did this on both sides very well. 

She was able to pick up both front feet and even a hind foot.  I really did not expect her to be this far this fast.  But then again I don't know what others in the challenge are doing and maybe she is "behind".  Ultimately the competition is secondary and Jet's training is most important; and to that end, G is doing very well as he is quite comfortable. 

The friend she spent the night with last night came out and was also able to brush and lead Jet. 

G showed off the fact that Jet will now lead and kick the ball with his front feet and allow the ball to be "kicked" at him and between his legs.  This is the same ball that just a little over a week ago, he would barely square up and look at.  This is fantastic!  He also walks across and around a tarp.  G's next goal is to be able to rub him all over with the tarp and have his picture taken carrying it.  So stay tuned . . .

Monday, June 14, 2010

June 14, 2010

How fast things change. 

This morning G went out and brushed Jet from head to tail.  She came in so excited that he stood to be brushed. 

Later in the day she went back out and put on a rope halter and took it off.  He stood for all of it and only had a small issue when the halter was going up over his nose.  She then put it back on and flexed him, all the while he stood calmly.  She then led him a little and called it a day. 

She was so excited that she could hardly stand still. 

She then left and went to spend the night with another horsey friend who asked her to help with her colt project.  I am sure it is not going to be all work and no play.  :-)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

June 13, 2010

Today G was featured in our local newspaper for her work with Jet and the Teen Mustang Challenge program.  She was excited and we were all thrilled. 

Another Show Day in the Life of G

This morning started early as we headed to a show.  G and AJ, her dad's horse, were entering their third show.  He is only 4 years old and has been being ridden for a year and a half.  They entered Showmanship, English Equitation, Western Equitation and Trail.  They did very well and ended up finishing the day as the Grand Champions in their division. 

After the show we ran AJ home and dropped the trailer and traveled to watch the symphony play while horses and riders "danced" to the music.  It was a beautiful day. 

June 12, 2010

Jet got a small break this weekend while G focused on other horsey activities.  She spent the night with a close friend and they went riding.  For those who are not complete believers in helmets maybe these pictures will help convince you. 

G and her friend B have both been riding horses for over 6 years and wanted to ride.  G thought momentarily about not putting on a helmet before getting on B's horse.  Just before they were to come in for the night, G's horse "bounced" and G slipped.  She tried to catch her balance but began slipping more.  She grabbed to hold on and only got reins.  The horse reared and went over backward and landed on G's head, nowhere else but the head and he rolled one way and G rolled the other.  Both are fine, but the pictures of the helmet are proof that helmets save lives.  I am SO thankful that she used good judgement and wore the helmet. 

Friday, June 11, 2010

June 11, 2010

What a day!!!!!  G touched Jet for the first time today.  She not only got to touch him, but she brused him, she scratched him, she was able to take the halter and his mustang tag off today.  WOW!!!!  It is amazing how much can change in one day. 
She is so proud and feels so much accomplishment to be able to take off his halter and the mustang tag.  She wore his tag for the rest of the day. 

May 31, 2010

So, with a few days at home (instead of our normal leave the house at 7 am and return after 7 pm) and time to work with Jet, he is getting better with G coming into his stall.  He still wants to turn and kick but she enters with a stick and when he turns she strategically places the stick close to his rear so when he continues to turn, he runs into the stick.  He then swings his rear end way away.  This is what we all want.

With his manners improving G decided to begin working on his desensitizing.  So, she introduced Jet to a large ball.  True to character he was curious and came to look at it. 

When the ball was placed in his stall, he was still curious but also timid.  When the ball was behind him, he would kick at it. 

This was as close to to the ball as we saw him get. 

We have noticed that he has a rather large raw spot developing under his chin under the web halter.  The halter and lead rope have been an ongoing debate in our household since we got Jet.  The theory behind it is that as he steps on the lead rope he will learn to give to pressure in a non-threatening and self inflicting manner.  To that end it has worked quite well.  He does stop when he steps on the rope and feels the pressure.  However on many occassions he has had that pressure applied when he was coming toward us and I sure wished it hadn't.  Also now that his chin has developed a sore I worry about the negative impact of the halter and lead rope.  If G can't touch Jet and remove the halter soon, I will have to ask for help from someone. 

May 27, 2010

Well, the honeymoon is over.  G was able to read to Jet a few more times before he decided he needed to try and dominate the situation.  He began kicking at her when she went into his pen and life was very busy for a few days so she decided to leave him alone until we could go out and be with her while she was working with him. 

I suppose in hindsight we shouldn't have let her sit in a chair and should have insisted on a helmet.  Problem with a published journal all get to see the good and the bad I guess. 

May 25, 2010

After a few days to settle into his new place, Gabrielle began going out and sitting with Jet.  She took a book to read and read to him out loud so he would get used to her voice.  He became very curious and came to check her out.  It was an exciting time for both. 

At first Jet stayed away and just looked at her, but curiosity got the best of him and he came close and
s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d the rest of the way. 

He took a couple of good sniffs and blew.  G was wonderful and stayed still and never reached out even though she wanted to touch him. 

After sniffing her Jet thought he better take a little taste.  No teeth were involved and no human was hurt in this encounter. 

In the end he was very curious and stepped forward for one more look, and smell of his girl.  Shortly after he walked away and G came out feeling pretty good. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

May 23, 2010

G has finally named our new boy.  His name is Jet, for jet black. 

Jet rode so nice the whole way home, and was fairly easy to unload into his pen that S, my husband, built just for him.  He was unsure of everything but seemed comforted by the other horses and FOOD. 

Today we just let him get used to his new surroundings. 

Welcome home Jet!

May 22, 2010

Today we got to meet G's yearling.  Were we in for a surprise.   We were anticipating a filly, a chestnut or sorrel filly.  When we got to the ranch and were taken to meet her challenge, she turned out to be a HE.  And HE is already gelded and HE is black, jet black. 

This is the first time we saw him.  He still has some of his winter baby fuzz.

The baby is very frightened having been hauled from Burns, Oregon to Yamhill only two days ago and now he has been funneled down a chute and into the back of our trailer and is preparing for another journey to another home.  I hope he soon learns that we mean him no harm. 

They opened his stall door and used a long stick with a bag (called a flag) on the end to move him into the chute and toward our trailer at the other end.  He was clearly afraid but complied.

We had not pulled out of the drive of the ranch before my husband said he wants to keep the horse.  It is going to be a long 98 days.

He has plenty of room to move around if needed on the trip home.  This is our closest look at him so far.

May 21, 2010

Our 12 year old daughter signed up to join a Mustang Challenge.  She is one of 19 applicants chosen to participate and so we drove to Yamhill, Oregon to pick up her mustang. 

She will have 98 days to work with the yearling and then return to compete in 3 divisions.  Showmanship, in-hand trail and body condition.  Her goal is to gentle this untouched yearling, convince the wild horse to trust her, a human, and do what she asks willingly.  It is going to be a FUN summer.  I am looking forward to watching her and the horse grow. 

Then after the competition the teens will auctin off their horses in hopes of promoting the adoption of wild mustangs and to show what great animals they are. 

It is my hope to chronicle her journey here.