Sunday, August 29, 2010

. . . .and the winner is . . . .

     G stayed home from school on Friday and got ready to leave for Yamhill and the Teen Mustang Challenge competition.  She had worked for 98 days and this would be the test of what she had done with Jet. 

     G was chosen from over 200 applicants to be one of 21 competitors, and all the other competitors were from the eastern side of Oregon.  She worked primarily alone with encouragement and support from us and from two experienced adults. 

     Friday afternoon we all left and headed for Yamhill.  A great friend, A, drove and pulled our trailer and her camper.  So far G had 4 people supporting her.  The drive was good but long.  We got to Yamhill just after 8:30pm.  We got Jet settled into his stall for the night and gave him his dinner.  Another hour drive found us at our hotel and we were in bed around 10pm.  It was a long day and we were all looking forward to the competition. 

     Our alarm clocks were set for 4:30 am so that we could be at the stables by 6 am.  G was quite nervous because when we rolled in and dropped Jet off she noticed that all the other horses had clean shaven faces and many were in full sleazies.  She wanted to be there as early as possible to do more work on grooming Jet.  She stayed in her Nana's room and set three alarm clocks.  True to form she was pulling everyone's covers back by 4:45 and concerned that we were going to be late.  How did I end up with such an early riser? 


     We got to the stables right at 6 am and there were over half the contestants already there, decorating stalls and grooming horses.  It was obvious to us that many of them had been there before and we were very thankful for Jodi who had brought us some "curtains" to add to our decorations.  At least her stall wouldn't look too shabby.  G got right to work on grooming Jet while A and I worked on decorating the stall with R's help. 

In the end I think the stall looked just right.  We did not have the most decorated but it did look well done.

     Gabrielle and Jet were ready for their debut.  I loved the lime green look on both of them.  As a side note, G had really wanted to have a show halter and so A and I headed off to a place we had heard about that was within 15 min of the stables.  We drove there just before 8 am.  We were met by the lady that runs the tack store. She sells tack to support a horse rescue and had lots of nice tack.  She allowed us to take a halter and lead rope leaving a check for insurance and allowed us to bring the items back and get the check back.  I was so impressed.  She did not have to be so kind.  In the end the halter we had taken did not fit Jet and so G used the green rope halter after all. 

     After spending the night in a small stall, I imagine that Jet was happy to get and begin moving and warming up.

     The competition started with a body condition analysis.  Jet scored a 5 which is just about right.  5.5 is perfect body condition.  Then G and Jet headed into the Showmanship competition.  Both did ok but it was not either of their strongest area.  Jet spent too much time trying to bite G and G forgot a small part of the pattern.  Unfortunately, even small parts make a big difference.  

     The final challenge was trail.  The first obsticle was this teeter-totter bridge.  It was fun to watch how different trainers approached the obsticle.  It was a difficult task and G had a plan.  She wanted to walk him up on the bridge and then she was going to try to get it to move down.  She under estimated Jet's weight and over estimated her own.  It was quite funny to watch, but both did well and Jet walked right over the bridge and moved off with confidence and no spook.   

     The second obsticle involved fowl, chickens and geese.  Fortunately we have three chickens and Jet was great and walked right passed both cages. 

     At this obsticle, G had to walk Jet through the straw bales and then back him back through them.  They both did great and got wonderful comments from the judge. 

     G made a great approach to the trailer, and Jet showed effort to pick his feet up but in the end he would not go into the trailer.  G was wonderfully patient and set him up for success it just didn't work this time.  In hind sight, I believe that Jet had taken a very long ride the day before and was not interested in getting back into a trailer.  I believe this because we have not had any trouble loading him and he has jumped up on a tire much taller.  Also we went to leave the competition and come home he did not want to get into our trailer. 

     This obsticle had good and bad points.  In the beginning Jet was resistant to allowing G to put the rain slicker on him.  However, once it was on him, he did not care and allowed her to pull it up on his neck.  I know she did that to try to add points.  She also took the slicker off by pulling it over Jet's head.  He did great with that but the first impression was still no the best, and the judge did notice. 

     This car wash was the first I have ever seen and it was wonderful.  Many horses refused to walk through, but not Jet.  G walked through and he followed not long after and did not speed up as he went through.  That was fantastic. 

     The last part of the trail competition involved a 2 min. freestyle.  G just showed everyone what she did on a regular basis at home.  She put a hoola hoop around his neck, the put a rope around his neck and led him by it.  She then put a tarp over his back and then she moved a very large garbage bag filled with air attahed to a stick all around him.  He did great.  She then asked him to move out and he moved with lots of energy but he was not afraid of the items on him. 

     During this time I was talking about all the work G had done and how this is normal for him.   I had a lady approach me to ask more questions.  As soon as I figured out that she was really looking at trying to adopt him, I had to tell her that he was not for sale as we had decided to keep him.  She was disappointed and I was honored that she would have wanted him. 

     The day ended when they announced the order of the contestants.  I must admit I understand that someone had to place 21st.  I just prayed that it would not be G.  We passed 21, then we passed 15 and I started hoping that she would break the top 10.  When number 10 was announced, I must admit that I was then hoping that maybe, just maybe she would be in the top 5.  Then they called number nine . . . it was G. 

     I didn't expect to be so happy but number 9 was just fine.  She worked hard and did very well especially in trail.  She had mom, dad, sister, nana, A, a reporter from our local newspaper and a representative from a company that sponsored her.  That is quite a turn out for a girl from so far away.  What a great experience. 

     The last part of the competition was an auction of the horses that were not being kept.  Of the 21 horses only 5 were adopted by their trainers and their families.  The others were auctioned.  The trainers had a very hard time letting go and many of the spoke about their horse through tears.  I have not experienced something so heartbreaking in quite a while.  The horse that won the competition sold for $800 and then many of the others sold for $25 and $50.  It was rough to watch the kids cry and the horses not sale for much.  I mean I pay more for a nice meal than many of the horses sold for. 

     Lastly we found out that the top 5 winners were all contestants last year.  Fortunately G felt really good knowing that and placing 9th almost entirely on her own.  She would really like to do this again next year.  For now, we are all glad to see Jet running in the field with our other horses. 

Aug. 22, 2010

Jet's first pedicure

     His feet were getting pretty long and a little ragged.  Our farrier, M, had worked with Jet previously to help him have a positive experience with him at the last visit.  This visit was to be the test. 

     Jet was a champ and did very well.  He made it over 3/4 through the visit before he got fidgety.  M was able to work on him without having to do much dancing.  I was so proud of our baby boy. 

Aug. 19, 2010

Hot August Nights part 2

     We took Jet back to Hot August Nights and G showed him in Showmanship class.  They placed 3rd.  It was another great night for both of the. 

Aug. 5, 2010

Hot August Nights

       We took Jet to Hot August Nights show to expose him to lots of horses and commotion.  He did SO well.  Out in the middle of everyone warming up he still stayed focused.  He lunged, he passed between me and the barrels, he even stood in the middle and allowed me to pick up all four feet. 

     Later during showing he stood while we sat in the bleachers and watched G and R show.  He allowed me to start at the bottom of the bleachers and walk up above him with NO problem.  I also jumped up and down beside him and on both sides of him. 

     So many are aware of him and loved another chance to see him in person and walking around.  Many also came up and asked if they could pet him.  He loved all the attention. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Training continues

Jet's training continues just at a little slower pace when it comes to firsts.  G is still working on all the things she has begun.  Leading, tying, picking up hooves, backing, forehand turns (think basketball and pivot feet, with the pivot foot being one of the front hooves), haunch turns (again pivots but with one of the back feet), etc.

G did add one new element yesterday.  She took out the clippers.  That noise was more than Jet could stand.  He did not like those and she could not use them on him.  So now the process of desensitizing him to those begins. 

She also continues to work on bathing him.  Yesterday she was able to bathe him using the hose.  In the past she has given him a sponge bath or short spot baths with the hose; but this time he got a full bath with the hose.  G was excited and feels a sense of accomplishment with this. 

There are still areas that need work such as sidepassing (think grapevine for horses) and just standing still when asked to do so.  She will need this second skill for showmanship classes at fair and during the competition. 

It might help us all if the 100+ degree weather would break, but I guess it is trying to make up for the slow start to summer that we had. 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

G's post

G wanted to write a post so this is the one I am going to let her write..... Good luck following along ;-)
   Jet has been doing REALLY well. I am so proud of him, he just takes everything in stride. I am wanting to find challenging games to play with Jet. Any ideas?? I want to challenge him, but whenever I try something new, he just goes through with it. I want to find his capacity so I can challenge him, but I don't want to do overkill. Any suggestions for activities I could use to test him out? Anyway, Jet is doing really well, but I need to work on standing, otherwise I don't see Jet having a problem with showmanship.  I want to expose Jet to as much as I can. I am hoping to take him to the Lake and pony him off Addy, who is so bored he bucked and tried to run off with me last time I rode him. I am soo happy about where Jet is in his conditioning. I was kinda frustrated when I came home from an 8 day vacation, and Jet had a big hay belly.  You couldn't see his ribs :-), but boy, you could  see his belly!!! Jet is trimming down now, but I am surprised with the way he is chowing down on whatever food I give him!!! 2 flakes of Alfalfa/Grass mix each feeding, 2 quarts of whole oats in the morning, and at night he gets his supplement, (Trifecta, it works great!!) Strongid, and exactly one cup of Strategy grain., That boy eats more than our horses do (of course the older horses are done growing but still!!!). I am just happy that Jet will be in good condition for the competition. I am trying to go above and beyond, so Jet does the best he can at the competition. I am kinda nervous due to the fact that I am the farthest away, and I have absoulutely no clue as to what is going on with the rest of the competition. When I called the lady that runs the place a while back, she said that I was about where everyone else was, I want to call again, and see if I have fallen behind (I hope not!!!!!) Let's hope Jet and I can keep improving the way we are!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lots of new experiences

Jet's training has taken another giant leap forward.  On Tuesday, G loaded Jet into the second stall of the trailer and took him to a 4-H ride night.  Now she didn't ride him of course but she wanted him to have the experience of trailering and being in a new environment.  It was a great idea and Jet did fantastic.  He took the new place and indoor arena all in stride.  The there were 5 other horses and riders at the meeting and they all rode around working on their own things with help from an adult.  G worked on walking him around and checking out typically scary corners filled with wooden cows and other objects.  Jet never once objected to anything he saw.  The adult had G work on trotting circles to help build up his back muscles and to pull up his baby belly.  During the competition G will have a chance to do some freestyle work to impress the judges and she is still trying to figure out what to do.  She asked the adult for help in teaching Jet to bow and in almost no time at all, Jet was half way to bowing just by using his curious nature and placing an object directly under him.  Wow!!!!  He is such a good boy. 

Yesterday was another big day as Jet was loaded up again and taken to horse camp.  This week at horse camp we are focusing on play and the 10 children and their horses are working on horsemanship, trail obstacles and then balls, flags, tarps, swim noodles etc.  Jet was wonderful!!!!  There was lots of commotion as you can imagine with 10 kids ages 9 - 13 scurry about with their horses.  The only thing that seemed to catch Jet's eye was the blue outhouse.  He walked over a mattress, through unfilled water boxes, under a cowboy curtain, through a tarp tunnel and over logs.  NO PROBLEM.  Then in the arena he walked over tarps, played with balls, and was rubbed all over with swim noodles.  Again NO PROBLEM.  He stayed the night in a stall and run next to a miniature horse and that was funny; a few times I saw him running up and down the fence next to the mini seemingly wanting to play.  The mini wasn't impressed; he stood and watched. 

We are headed back to camp today and I will post pictures tonight.
Here are the pictures from today at camp. 

G and Jet walk calmly through the tarp tunnel.  He didn't even rush the exit.  :-)

The wind helped by having the cowboy curtain or car wash strings up a little so Jet could see through. 

This was the first time G got Jet up on the tire.  As you can see she was thrilled.

G really wanted to do it again, so I got to take pictures the whole way through. 

The bond is unmistakable.  I am almost certain that Jet would follow her almost anywhere.

He was even graceful in his dismount. 

So I found the one place he is not quite ready to follow.  G did get him to go through twice but a third time was just too much to ask.  

He did dip one toe in just for me. 

The famous, amazing, awesome Buck Brannaman.  G rode in his clinic last year and we went back and watched again this year.  We ALL want to ride next year. 

Thursday, July 8, 2010

First visit from the farrier

Jet had his first visit with the farrier today.  He didn't really need his feet trimmed yet but I wanted him to have a few practice rounds before we ask him to do it for real. 

Our farrier came out to trim our other horses and spent some time with Jet as well.  He let Jet smell him and look at him.  Then he pet him and rubbed him all over.  I was very please with how comfortable and steady Jet stayed during the whole process.  Mike, our farrier, was then able to pick all four feet and hold them for different lengths of time.  Mike was also VERY pleased with how well Jet did and how well G has done working with him.  One BIG moment was when Mike was able to get Jet to rest a foot while he was petting it. 

Also received a phone call earlier this week seeking more information about the up coming competition.  Our local newspaper may be sending a reporter to the competition to do a follow up story including the competition.  That is SO wonderful.  G will show up with quite the enterage.  There will be G's family (+5), a good friend (+1), local newspaper (+2), CREA G's supporter/sponsorer (+2) = 10 people going to watch one little girl and her baby Jet. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy 4th of July

I hope everyone had a Happy 4th of July.  It was very nice and quiet around here.  Since this was our first July 4th on the farm we stayed home to see what it would be like out here. 

We moved from a neighborhood where there were wonderful block fireworks and a fun atmosphere.  However it was always hard on our dog and we often thought of our horses that we boarded.  Never knew how they reacted to all the commotion. 

Well there was no noise or distractions out here so the horses did great.  We could look out our back doors and see all the fireworks being lit in the nearest town.  The entire skyline was lighting up but no sounds and far away enough the horses didn't even seem to notice. 

Jet is doing great.  Almost a week ago, G put a pony saddle on him and cinched him up.  He had no problem with that.  She walked him around with no issue, trotting was no problem.  When he was asked to canter he bucked some but when she asked him to turn and face her he stopped bucking and was fine.  She went back to walk and trot and he did great.  At the canter he did bump up a little but seemed to do better.  How wonderful. 

Jet is also loading into the trailer easily.  The first time in he turned around and came out rather quickly but the next time he went in nice and quiet and backed out as if he had been doing it his whole life.  G will be taking him with her to a horse camp next week to help him get used to other places, people and horses.  Also there is a great trail course there and she is planning on working him over bridges, through water, through a tarp cave, through a cowboy curtain and over mounds with logs.  It will be SO good for both of them. 

Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 26, 2010

I guess I posted too early today.  After I wrote for today, G went out and gave Jet his first bath.  Granted it was a sponge bath, but I am proud of both of them.  Lastly, she went back out to feed him his evening meal and supplements and he was laying down.  He allowed her to walk up to him while still lying on the ground and pet him on the head.  Amazing pair they are. 

Wow oh wow.  Jet is awesome and gorgeous.  His coat is beginning to shine.  He has been on his supplements for a week and G is brushing him daily.  I am sure both are contributing to the great coat he is sporting these days. 

He is still a little ribby for me.  I am hoping that the oats and increased hay will help with his weight gain.  G measured him today.  He is 13.2 hands tall and weighs about 600 pounds.  I will help her do more research and see what a balanced diet would look like.  I will also be taking the house scales outside to do better at measuring his feed. 

G has started ponying Jet behind one of our other horses around the property in hopes to improve his muscling.  It has had another side benefit.  Since he is a herd animal he enjoys following another horse and seems to be learning to give to the pressure of the halter and lead rope. 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 23, 2010

Today was quite a busy day for G and Jet. 

G has been working this week with a local instructor as her assistant during her horse camp each morning.  Many of the girls saw the newspaper article on G and Jet and wanted to see him and watch her with him.  So this afternoon, they came out for a visit. 

Before seeing Jet, they spent some time talking about what G has been doing, why the youth trainer program exists and what life has been like for Jet since he was born until now.  The students also had a chance to measure themselves in "hands" (the measurement used to measure a horse.  Each hand is 4 inches) using an educational display G had created for the local fair a few years ago.  They all enjoyed seeing how tall they were. 

During the discussion time the students were quite interested in getting to see Jet's mustang tag. 

In the round pen G showed them how she has worked on picking up his feet, leading him, and playing soccer with a large exercise ball.  She also decided to try a few things for the first time in front of guests.  Normally I would only do things I know I can do and the horse is ok doing, but not G.  She is very confident in Jet and herself.  She "accidentally" (aka on purpose) knocked over a plastic barrel and plastic basketball goal.  Jet paid attention that it fell but didn't move.  She also put a tarp over his back and asked him to walk around with it.  No Problem!!!!

Then she allowed the students to come into the round pen in pairs and pet Jet and see his freeze brand up close. 

Before everyone went home each girl had a chance to brush Jet.  He was such a good boy and had no trouble with all the attention he received. 

About an hour later we had Columbia Rural Electric Association come to visit.  They had heard about G and her work with Jet and wanted to interview her for their monthly magazine they send to their customers.  Gabrielle repeated many of the things she had done with the previous group but added even more new things. 

She solid tied him for the first time and left him standing while we went to greet our guests.  Imagine their surprise when they learned that was the first time he had been left solid tied.  She brought out the hose and hosed his front legs and his chest.  He did react to that but within minutes he was standing and enjoying the cool refreshing water since it was our hottest day yet this summer. 

Before taking Jet back to the round pen, G noticed flies bothering him so she fly sprayed him for the first time.  I was expecting some reaction as the spray touched him or at the very least the noise of the trigger spraying.  Not a thing.  He stood still and had no problems.  (It has been unseasonably cool here so we have not had much of an issue with flies.  It could also be the fly predators we are using for the first time.)

G set up some obstacles in the round pen and moved him over logs, tarps and large plastic container lids.  He walked, trotted and loped through it all without refusing.  He did however clip a few of the obstacles since he is still learning foot placement. 

CREA spent some time asking G questions about her work.  Since one requirement for the challenge is to use natural horsemanship techniques, they asked about her favorite trainer whether it was Parelli, Anderson, ???  After some thinking, she said she really likes Buck Brannaman.  She participated last year in one of his clinics not far from here and she did so well.  Then she was asked what has been the most challenging thing and what was the biggest turning point so far.  For G that question was easy.  Everything seemed to change the day she was able to get the mustang tag off and brush him.  That was when they both seemed to find the trust in the other that they needed to progress.  Ever since they have been bonded.  I do believe I will be outnumbered in the decision whether or not to allow him to be adopted or if we will be keeping him.

Before leaving Charlotte and Nickie Gunther from CREA presented G with a gift certificate to a local feed store to help G with her competition.  G will be able to purchase feed, supplements and other needed items to help improve Jet's diet and body conditioning.  This is one area that will be judged on August 28th in Yamhill, OR. 

It had already been a long day and it was not over yet.  G went and participated for the third evening in a row at the local fair grounds where the 4-H sponsored a special event for Disabled children in town.  The first two nights she lead horses while some children got to experience horse back riding for the first time.  Tonight she helped drive a pair of miniature horses that her good friend B had brought.  It was a wonderful evening filled with smiles and laughter.  I LOVE summer!!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

June 18, 2010

Jet will get some time off tomorrow as G will be showing in a local horse show with AJ. 

Yesterday G added a few more desensitizing items to his pen.  He now has a "jolly ball" tied to one of the rails so if he wants to play with it he can.  He also has a tarp hanging on the gate and some tote lids laying just for fun.  He moved over and around them with no trouble when asked.  He gave the widest space when going past the tarp hanging on the gate.  After a little while he was comfortable walking closer to the gate. 

He also has figured out that grain and supplements are food.  For quite some time he would look at the pellets and turn away.  I am thankful he is finding them to be good. 

He appearantly has nose worts.  I contacted our vet and he said that it is very common in young horses and that it will go away in about two months.  G was sad to hear the news since the mustang challenge competition is in two months.  We will hope that his good food and care will decrease the time but the only other option is surgery and I don't think that is a good choice. 

Lastly, G lead Jet out of his pen for the first time today.  He was leary leaving the pen but once out was quite a gentleman.  He led well and kept a cool head while our three other horses got a closer look at him.  When G was done and tried to take him back to his pen, Jet had a definite opinion.  He did NOT want to go back inside.  At least that was G's take.  I think he was not sure about going through the gate.  I am positive that next time it will be much easier and all G's fears that he doesn't trust her and doesn't like her will be washed away.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15, 2010

Today G went out and brushed Jet more and also flexed him.  She wrapped the lead rope around his rear end and asked him to follow his nose around and come out facing her.  He did this on both sides very well. 

She was able to pick up both front feet and even a hind foot.  I really did not expect her to be this far this fast.  But then again I don't know what others in the challenge are doing and maybe she is "behind".  Ultimately the competition is secondary and Jet's training is most important; and to that end, G is doing very well as he is quite comfortable. 

The friend she spent the night with last night came out and was also able to brush and lead Jet. 

G showed off the fact that Jet will now lead and kick the ball with his front feet and allow the ball to be "kicked" at him and between his legs.  This is the same ball that just a little over a week ago, he would barely square up and look at.  This is fantastic!  He also walks across and around a tarp.  G's next goal is to be able to rub him all over with the tarp and have his picture taken carrying it.  So stay tuned . . .

Monday, June 14, 2010

June 14, 2010

How fast things change. 

This morning G went out and brushed Jet from head to tail.  She came in so excited that he stood to be brushed. 

Later in the day she went back out and put on a rope halter and took it off.  He stood for all of it and only had a small issue when the halter was going up over his nose.  She then put it back on and flexed him, all the while he stood calmly.  She then led him a little and called it a day. 

She was so excited that she could hardly stand still. 

She then left and went to spend the night with another horsey friend who asked her to help with her colt project.  I am sure it is not going to be all work and no play.  :-)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

June 13, 2010

Today G was featured in our local newspaper for her work with Jet and the Teen Mustang Challenge program.  She was excited and we were all thrilled. 

Another Show Day in the Life of G

This morning started early as we headed to a show.  G and AJ, her dad's horse, were entering their third show.  He is only 4 years old and has been being ridden for a year and a half.  They entered Showmanship, English Equitation, Western Equitation and Trail.  They did very well and ended up finishing the day as the Grand Champions in their division. 

After the show we ran AJ home and dropped the trailer and traveled to watch the symphony play while horses and riders "danced" to the music.  It was a beautiful day. 

June 12, 2010

Jet got a small break this weekend while G focused on other horsey activities.  She spent the night with a close friend and they went riding.  For those who are not complete believers in helmets maybe these pictures will help convince you. 

G and her friend B have both been riding horses for over 6 years and wanted to ride.  G thought momentarily about not putting on a helmet before getting on B's horse.  Just before they were to come in for the night, G's horse "bounced" and G slipped.  She tried to catch her balance but began slipping more.  She grabbed to hold on and only got reins.  The horse reared and went over backward and landed on G's head, nowhere else but the head and he rolled one way and G rolled the other.  Both are fine, but the pictures of the helmet are proof that helmets save lives.  I am SO thankful that she used good judgement and wore the helmet. 

Friday, June 11, 2010

June 11, 2010

What a day!!!!!  G touched Jet for the first time today.  She not only got to touch him, but she brused him, she scratched him, she was able to take the halter and his mustang tag off today.  WOW!!!!  It is amazing how much can change in one day. 
She is so proud and feels so much accomplishment to be able to take off his halter and the mustang tag.  She wore his tag for the rest of the day.